Jesse Eisenberg stars in Sasquatch Sunset which was filmed in Humboldt’s Redwoods

Screenshot from Sasquatch Sunset movie trailer.

Do you remember when Jesse Eisenberg was in Humboldt filming a movie? That movie is called Sasquatch Sunset. The movie trailer for the film dropped on Tuesday. This film stars Eisenberg and was directed by the Zellner Brothers in our redwood forests.

“The Sasquatch Sunset movie had filmed in 2022 in October, and they were here for about 22 days,” said Anibal Polanco, the Deputy Director for the Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission. “They hired some local crew and they filmed all around in the redwoods areas.”

This film production generated $300,000 direct dollars in our local economy. This means local people were hired to work in crew roles, catering, and renting office spaces, and they hired Eric Hollenbeck from Blue Ox Millwork to create tree stump props for the film.

“The direct dollar impact is a good thing for our area, especially during the off-season,” Polanco said. “That can help with, you know, helping stimulate our economy locally and just bring business to vendors and entities that normally wouldn’t see an influx of money during that time of year.”

The movie Sasquatch Sunset is a dark comedy about “A Day in the Life of Bigfoot.” The trailer of the film shows us a minimal cast and teases us with what to expect.

“They had a special scene where they needed to have a log on top of one of the actors, and so they went the route of making something rather than having a real thing because the real things weigh heavier than what the props,” Polanco said. “So if you were to actually look inside the prop here, it’s all hollowed out.”

This film is coming to the big screens in April. The Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission might host a screening red carpet event if the studio permits them. Click this link to watch the Sasquatch Sunset movie trailer.