Old Coots on Scoots put on second annual car show for seniors


Sunday, the local chapter of the motorcycle club Old Coots on Scoots put on the second annual car show at the Sequoia Springs Senior Living Center. Jeff Emery of Old Coots on Scoots spoke to Redwood News about the event.

“This is our second annual Sequoia Springs motorcycle classic show—and car show,” Emery said. “We are dedicated to the community to share our love and respect for the community and to share with the seniors that are kind of shut in sometimes.”

The purpose of the show is to bring the car and motorcycle community together to show support for local seniors.

“They get to, you know, view the cars and then reminisce about it when they were a kid or about their automobiles that their parents owned and things that they owned,” Emery said. “And so it’s it’s enlightening for us and it makes them feel good.”]

The show featured dozens of unique classic cars. Jim Bonhote, a Corvette owner, talked about his car.

“It’s a ’66 Corvette,” Bonhote said. “I’ve had it for about 54 years, restored it a few times. 375, four speed. I’m the third owner. It was five years old when I bought it. Still its original color—Sunfire Yellow.”

The show attracts a great crowd of cars and people.

“It’s a nice, nice car show,” Bonhote said. “Probably 40, 50 cars. They put on a really nice car show.”

“Cars, motorcycles, food and a good time,” Emery said. “If you see one of our fliers show up and support your community.”

Coming up Friday, July 26, is the start of the Fortuna Redwood Auto Xpo, which kicks off with a cruise down Main Street at 6:30 p.m..