National Poll Workers Recruitment Day encourages community involvement in upcoming elections


Election 2024 is ramping up with an already exciting election season. The Humboldt County Office of Elections is looking for poll workers.

 “They do all kinds of stuff, you know, they help facilitate democracy in our county. They’ll do everything from helping voters check-in all the way through to processing ballots. Election workers in humboldt county get brought on as extra help. So they’re actually county employees, and we have them come in and help us do all the processing for the vote by mail ballots as well,” registrar of voters Juan Pablo Cervantes said.

Poll workers provide support for new voters at the polls.

“This is one of those points where you get to be by the people. These processes only work when we have the whole community kind of touch it and be a part of it,” Cervantes said.

The emphasis this election season is a need for workers in more rural areas.

“We’re facing, difficulties recruiting in our eastern and southern parts. So if you’re in the Garberville area or in Hoopa, we’d love to bring you on board,” Cervantes said. “We find that when you’re an election worker or a poll worker where you live, it’s the most meaningful experience, both for you and for the people coming in and voting,” Cervantes said.

Beyond election work and poll work, residents can find another way to work within the election cycle.

“The big jobs that people can sign up for are running for office. Candidate filing ends next Friday (August 9th). If an incumbent doesn’t feel like running it’s extended for five days,” Cervantes said. “But, this is your opportunity. If you have a problem with a school board or the way that your community service district is your city, all of those seats are up for election.”

And one may never know where working in elections can lead much like Cervantes’ path.

“I was a poll worker when I was in high school, and I’ve been a poll worker, every year until I started working in elections. Having that connection really opens your eyes to the work and effort that goes into making it happen with, with efficiency and integrity.”

For those interested in applying to be a poll worker, head to to apply and other election information.