Humboldt Crabs close out 80th season with a win

A Crabs player swings the bat and watches as the ball is sent out into the field. Photo by Griffin Mancuso.

The Humboldt Crabs closed out their 80th season this afternoon, scoring a win against the Menlo Legacy.

“Today is the last Crabs game of the season,” Jessi Fleming said with a giant white tuba-looking instrument wrapped around her. “We are here playing with the world famous Crabs Grass Band.”

The game was tied one to one for a short time before the Humboldt Crabs began scoring—and they continued to score until they racked up more than a dozen runs.

Antonio Avila makes a dive for second base before the opposing team can tag him out. Photo by Griffin Mancuso.

“I love playing at the Crabs games. It’s always very high energy. We’re all very inclusive. You don’t really need to be the best at your instrument in order to play with us and have fun,” Fleming said. “It’s just a fun time to watch some baseball and play some music with friends.”

Fleming talked about her instrument as the roar of the fans and cracking bats continued.

“This is a sousaphone. It’s a type of tuba used for marching,” Fleming said. “It’s the kind of tuba that you can walk around in.”

Zoey Bazzano stood next to Fleming with another grand instrument.

“I have a bari sax,” Bazzano said. “It’s big and heavy compared to the other ones that we have here.”

The Crabs won the final game of their 80th season with a score of 15 to two.