Cal Poly Humboldt Aviation Club debuts FAA certified Flight Simulator


For those who are interested in flying or learning how to fly, there’s now an FAA certified flight simulator in the Cal Poly Humboldt Library. The flight simulator belongs to Cal Poly Humboldt’s Aviation Club, which draws students from a variety of skill sets. 

“Well, I’m going into my second year as a mechanical engineering transfer student, here at Cal Poly Humboldt, and before I was here I’ve always had an interest in aviation. The nice thing is that, yeah, you know, there is a nice crossover for me as far as mechanical engineering goes and aviation, there are so many avenues in aviation spaces, whether you’re becoming a pilot or you’re becoming a flight controller or a aircraft mechanic, or even just working at an airport, that that we can appeal to the variety of degrees that are provided here at Cal Poly Humboldt”, says Orion Nichols, president of the Aviation Club. 

The simulator doesn’t license you to fly, but it can help guide you in the right direction. 

“Unfortunately, there is a bar to becoming a pilot. Both financially and time wise. And so our goal as the club is to provide as many avenues to prepare people for that as possible. One opportunity is our advanced aviation training device, which will allow students to not only log some of their flight hours, as they prepare to become a pilot, but, outside of those hours, get regular training once you’re comfortable enough to fly the AATD (simulator), you can pretty much hop into whatever plane, and be able to fly”, he said. 

And it’s a completely immersive experience for those trying to perfect skills, even if you’ve never flown a simulator before. 

I would say the only thing that the simulator can’t capture is really how awesome it is to be in a cockpit, 2000ft flying. Your visibility is somewhat restricted in the simulator, but when you’re in a plane, you have the whole horizon in front of you, controls wise. I mean, it flies the same. The plane practically flies itself, which is a wonderful thing. and really, what you’re missing in the simulator is the beautiful view”, Nichols says.

You can sign up to try the simulator by contacting the Aviation club at

Story by Tucker Caraway