The Loleta Community Park will remain insured for another year


The Loleta Community Park was close to becoming fenced off and closed to the public but has been saved and insured for another year. It will take a community effort to remain it insured. 

The Loleta Community Chamber managed to find another insurance company before the deadline and the premiums are higher than they were paying. 

“For us as a Loleta community, we know that it does take all of our individual support to make that happen,” said Thomas Nicholson Stratton. “So community members do pitch in to make sure that we do have membership and that helps cover a lot of the costs, including other scholarship opportunities.”

A school coordinator says community involvement is how Loleta grows in a positive direction.

“I think it’s up to us to say like, hey, this is our park, this is how we want it, and it’s up to us to make that happen,” said Brenda Juarez, a community school coordinator at Loleta Elementary. “So just become more involved, become way more involved so that we can continue to have these safe spaces where they can make memories and we can make memories as families and community members.”

As for the future, the Loleta Community Chamber is working with the Great Redwood Trail and the Redwood Community Action Agency to plan for the future of the area.

“As we’re transitioning here, being a part of the Great Redwood Trail that’s coming very soon, and they’re looking for participation with community members to actively engage and plan out what our hopes and dreams are for all of the adjacent land,” Stratton said. “And the park is one of those pieces of property. So as we change that relationship, we have to be creative and we’re looking for those solutions together.”