The Arcata Ball Park will be gaining a new front façade by 2025

The current façade of the Arcata Ball Park. This will be transformed by 2025. | Photo by Karina Ramos Villalobos

The City of Arcata and the Humboldt Crabs baseball organization collaborated to put a proposal together for Senator Mike McGuire to help fund improvements to the Arcata Ball Park façade. Senator McGuire is investing $1 million in state funding to make these updates. There are three components to this project. 

“One is opening up kind of the entrance, integrating with downtown,” said Emily Sinkhorn, the Environmental Services Director. “We’re making accessible paths of travel improvements to the left field line. That’s where there’s a family-friendly grassy play area that during crowd games, there’s often tons of families over there frolicking and enjoying the game. And then we’re looking at what could be some improvements for the façade that really tie in with downtown and also celebrate the longevity of the crowds and baseball in Arcata.”

The City of Arcata is aiming for construction to begin in 2024 after the Crabs baseball season is over. They hope to be completed for the 2025 crab season. As of now, they are in the design phase of the project. 

“There’s a survey that we’ll have up for the community to participate in and we’ll have that survey up through early January,” Sinkhorn said. “And there are three concepts.”

Concept one is more of a classic baseball look.

Concept two is a modern look with a wavy top edge which could include an artistic design.

The last concept idea is a variation of a modern look with articulated metal panels that could also include an artistic design. Whichever design is chosen, the crab’s fans will be greeted with a fresh, new look to the park in 2025.

The purpose of the survey is to gather the community’s interest in which concept would look best for the ball park’s façade. If you want to find that survey go to our “links we mention” page to submit.