Humanity Heroes helps hundreds of homeless


Saturday, Humanity Heroes hosted their fourth annual Day of Giving in Eureka. The Day of Giving provides important items to unhoused people such as hygiene products, pet necessities, clothing, blankets and tarps.

One of hundreds of recipients of the care packages, Juanita Nelson, said that certain items were needed.

“I’d say the cat food and the tarps and the blankets would be most beneficial,” Nelson said.

Chelle Johnson, a Humanity Heroes volunteer of five years, said that it makes her happy to help people.

“It always just warms my heart to see people really giving back and coming together as a community and really helping these people out,” Johnson said.

Humanity Heroes is a non-profit based out of Los Angeles, focused on giving back to people experiencing homelessness.

Danie Flores, general manager of Green Ox Inc., said that doing this type of volunteer work is a reward within itself.

“This work is super rewarding. It brings me a lot of joy to be able to give back to people,” Flores said. “It’s not just about one day you’re giving out some backpacks and that’s supposed to fix everything. It’s not about that. It’s about showing people kindness and the ripple effect that can have on people’s lives.”

Partnered with cannabis-centered companies, Advanced Nutrients and Green Ox Inc., the event was hosted at Saint Vincent de Paul. This year had the biggest turnout that the event has seen so far in Eureka.

“Every year I feel like we double in size on the giving, which is amazing,” Johnson said. “The first year that we started, it was only 100 people that we were serving and now I want to say we’re bringing 400 backpacks this year to the homeless community out here. So it’s just been amazing.”

Anyone can volunteer with Humanity Heroes, even those who are unhoused themselves.

Volunteer Vince Chritton shared part of his story.

“I try to do what I can to help the homeless here in Eureka because I’m actually homeless, too,” Chritton said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re homeless or what. We’ve all got issues, just different forms. Maybe we can learn from each other.”

Fore more information, or to volunteer or donate, go to