Eureka Rotary Club introduces New President


The Rotary Club of Eureka is getting a new president this year, Thavisak “Lucky” Syphanthong. 

“I was the president of the NorCal Laos Foundation, which runs the Laos Dancers. And so we started that group because we wanted to share culture, our Laotian and culture to our next generation. We applied for a small grant with the Rotary Club of Eureka last January. And in May, they chose us to receive the grant. And then they invited me to join the club. They saw leadership in me, or they liked what I was doing for the community”, he said.

A year later, he’s preparing to become the president. 

“And I’m the next president of the Rotary Club of Eureka starting in July. So it’s a couple weeks away. They’ve been preparing me for this moment. They sent me to president elect training, which was back in May”, he said.

As a realtor and small business owner, Thavisak knew how much good the rotary did in the community. 

“Our number one thing is, like, we’re going to focus on our kids and the schools just to make them the best because I’m all about education and then, you know, helping the kids and the schools out”, he said. 

He’s also a father of four. 

“The school system didn’t have a lot of money, budget cuts, this and that. So, we activated the Cutten Ridgewood Foundation. It’s another nonprofit besides the PTA that helps raise funds for the Cutten Ridgewood school”, he said. 

Needless to say, Thavisak is ready and qualified for his new role. 

“Yeah. So I’ve had experience in, like, the schools, the community, the Lao community. I’m just, helping kind of guy”, he says. 

If you’re interested in applying for a grant, it’s straightforward. 

“You can apply for a grant on our website at Every quarter we review small grant applications. It goes up to $3,000. So apply as much as you want or need. And there has to be a specific event, a specific need that can be accomplished”, he said.

Story by Tucker Caraway