Spectrum Cable continues to leave local channels in the dark in Del Norte County


Last night, we told you that Crescent City officials — and residents — aren’t happy that our programming isn’t on Spectrum Cable. We’ve tried to negotiate with the huge cable company  and its owner, Charter but they aren’t talking.


Crescent City isn’t the only place where Spectrum has refused to talk to us.  Viewers of our sister-stations in New York, Arizona, and Idaho are in the same situation with Spectrum.


It looks as if a company that had revenue over $40-billion dollars last year and who’s chief executive has a salary package of $98-million dollars a year doesn’t care if its customers can’t see our news, weather, local sports, syndicated shows and network programs.


We’d appreciate if you let us know what you think, by calling News Channel 3 at (707) 443-3123.