Arcata Main Street brings locals together for Sunday Funday


Arcata, Ca. (KIEM) Imagine this. Over a dozen of adults on the plaza. Warming in the sun and playing for hours. Why you ask? Because it’s Sunday Funday.

Allison Mitchell, Intern at Arcata Main Street said the City of Arcata requires the organization to organize at least 15 events for the duration of Summer. Sunday Funday is one of the events held the last Sunday of every month, where locals can drop into one of the classes offered, for free.

Arcata Main Street tries to focus on the community when planning.

“It’s trying to foster the community down here but trying to put on free events so that the community can come down here and enjoy the small businesses and you get to see what the local artist can do, “ said Mitchell.

Slack line enthusiast were also close by encouraging those to test their balance and although not a part of funday. All activities, instructors and participates shared a piece of the center of the city

“One of our friends actually came up with the idea of coming out and showing the community about slackline,” said Arcata resident and slack-liner, Corbin Yoder. “Because we are so passionate and we love it so much we just wanted to come out and share it with everyone.”

Both Yoder and Bella Ladd, a poi instructor, told Redwood News that what they do is for exercise but shares that poi and slack lining also builds character.

“It’s a way to build coordination and strength,” said Ladd.

“Health. Social. Work…You have to work hard just to get across the line. Social, you get to meet people to help hold your hand and really expose yourself to the community,” expressed Yoder.

Being a small town of a little over 15,000 residents, for most people the City of Arcata is about community, connection and positive vibes.