Second Humboldt County resident tests positive for Covid-19


EUREKA, Ca. (KIEM)-A second North Coast resident tests positive for Covid-19.

It was more than a month ago health officials confirm a Humboldt County resident tests positive with for Covid-19.  

Anyone who was in close contact with the individual will be contacted by public health staff, evaluated and quarantined.

The person testing positive traveled to a high-risk country, this case not believed to be community transmission.  

Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal is asking residents to take the “Shelter in Place” Order, seriously.

Echoing the governor’s plea.

“There’s a recognition of our interdependence that requires of this moment that we require a statewide order for people to stay home,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said.

Some people taking a break from their home, to get a bit of fresh air.

“Part of the shelter in place is you can still go out, but we have been conscious as far as walking around,” Eureka Resident Daniel Norton Luna said.  

Humboldt County residents told to hunker down and practice social distancing.

Some taking that advice while taking in a bit of the outdoors.

“A little bit of sun, a little bit of interaction while still doing that whole six-foot distancing thing and really trying to enjoy, no one being out here,” said Eureka resident Katelyn Bourne.