Sheriff William Honsal Talks Homeless Community, National Guard Amid Coronavirus Outbreak


Eureka, Ca. (KIEM) — As the number of Covid-19 cases on the North Coast continues to rise, there’s been the question of what is being done to help protect our local homeless community.

In addition to the work of community partners, the county is taking steps to secure motel rooms in case an individual from this vulnerable group needs to be self-isolated. The hope is to be able to also help house those test positive and need to quarantine, but can’t go home or don’t have the means to get themselves a room.

Another concern? The safety of first responders that continue to serve the community each day. While there are currently no reported cases of covid-19 within any of the local law enforcement agencies, they understand that it’s a possibility.

As far as the National Guard, troops have been deployed around the state by Governor Newsom, but not in a law enforcement capacity. Instead, they’re helping with things like distributing food and medical supplies. Locally, they haven’t been deployed, but assistance can be requested in the future if needed.