Eureka mayor pushes World Health Organization message, amid Covid-19


EUREKA, Ca. (KIEM) the Eureka mayor wants residents to keep practicing social distancing and sheltering in place, among other recommendations. 

“As we change our daily routines and wait for new direction, it is easy to get tempted into complacency.”

Mayor Susan Seaman is stressing the importance of following simple but effective tips to keep the community safe.

“These five simple actions can provide tremendous community benefit,” she said.

Mayor Susan Seaman is pushing the message from the World Health Organization, “Stop the Spread, Do the Five”.

“Please join me in getting the word out and share “Do the Five” reminders on your social media accounts and with your family and friends,” she said.

Which are to wash your hands, after coughing and sneezing, before, during and after preparing food and before eating.

When hands are visibly dirty and after handling animals or animals waste.

“Make sure to keep washing your hands frequently with soap and water or a solution with at least a 60% alcohol base,” she said.

Cough and sneeze into your elbow or tissue.

“If you use a tissue, dispose of it immediately and then wash your hands,” Seaman said.

Avoid touching your face, especially your nose and mouth, to prevent the virus from entering your body, according to Eureka’s mayor.

“If you’re out in public, practice social distancing: stay six feet or more away from others, and please don’t attend gatherings.”

Lastly, stay home, if you are a non-essential worker Mayor Susan Seaman says the best thing you can do for your friends and neighbors is to shelter in place, especially if you’re not feeling well.

“If you feel unwell and your symptoms are mild,” she said. “Self-isolate for 14 days.” 

Following these guidelines should help keep the community safe and provide an opportunity for this virus to pass as quickly as possible, according to Mayor Susan Seaman.  

The mayor advises anyone in need of a doctor, should call ahead to the emergency room and they’ll provide directives to limit exposure to patients and health workers.

For more information about how to protect you and others click here

For more information pertaining to the City of Eureka’s Covid-19 response click here