Local business owner partners with Eureka Rescue Mission to provide for community


EUREKA, Ca (KIEM) – After a successful donation event, the Eureka Rescue Mission has again partnered with a local business owner to collect items such as food and clothes for those in need.

Local business owner Saryn Kennedy orchestrated a donation event for the mission and the end result was very successful. They collected three vans and one truck full of donations of food, clothes, toiletries and personal protective equipment.

The donations are helping to provide meals for those choosing to shelter in place with the mission programs, as well as for the homeless that stop by for breakfast, dinner and their basic needs.

With COVID-19 temporarily closing the thrift store, the mission is completely dependent on these donations. The need is high and the help from the community is making a difference.

Local business owners like Kennedy continue to stress the importance of giving back during this tough time. She is hopeful that the Eureka Rescue Mission will continue to provide with the help they are receiving from the community.

Rain or shine, Kennedy plans to hold as many of these donation events as possible until the mission has enough to provide for those in need during this pandemic.