Keep Eureka Beautiful was out planting trees to beautify Eureka


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- Keep Eureka Beautiful was out earlier today planting street trees in front of the California Market, in Eureka.  

This organization’s goal is to promote and encourage property owners and individuals to beautify the city of Eureka and they are using these street trees to send that message.

They have planted over a thousand trees during their 54-year history and hope that their efforts can restore and rebuild civic pride.

“It’s just a small way of trying to contribute to the carbon footprint that we all put on the planet,” said Wendall Schautz, a volunteer for Keep Eureka Beautiful. “This filters air, trees and I guess it’s an important part to get away from the sidewalk mentality or the concrete mentality of cities and towns which will brings back nature.”

If you would like more information about how to volunteer or other ways to help click here.