New traffic signal coming to the intersection of 4th and L Streets along Highway 101


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — A heads up for drivers traveling through Eureka along Highway 101. The intersection at 4th and L Streets is getting a new stoplight. Caltrans says they’ll be turning on the new traffic signal on Monday.

The light will be time-coordinated with others around it, so wait times along this stretch of road shouldn’t really be impacted all that much. The hope is the light will help reduce collisions and improve pedestrian access.

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“We decided to include this in a series of pedestrian friendly projects and it really will reduce collisions in the area. If just one collision is prevented, it’s going to be a great addition for the traveling public. Really we just want to improve access for pedestrians, cyclists, and the ADA community there,” according to Caltrans District 1 Public Information Officer Myles Cochrane.

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The project was made possible by SB 1 or the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. buy paxil online no prescription