Black Humboldt hosts Juneteenth celebration


This upcoming Monday is Juneteenth, a holiday that became federally recognized when President Joe Biden signed the legislation in June 2021. Black Humboldt hosted an all-day event to honor the significance of this holiday.

“We’re really just trying to bring all the intersections of Blackness together,” said Mo Harper-Desir the co-founder of Black Humboldt. “Celebrating folks in the African diaspora and not kind of concentrating on all the trauma that comes with the story of slavery and concentrating on the liberation and the joy– as we continue to fight for equal rights and freedom.”

This year, the Juneteenth celebration consisted of musical performances, speakers, local vendors and an area for kids to play. The event started at noon and was held at Halvorsen Park. They will be finishing the night with a dance party from 7 to 10 p.m. 

“I grew up outside of Humboldt, going to Juneteenth celebrations, going to Black and Brown celebrations and West Indian festivals, and it’s just a part of our culture to celebrate things with art and music and food,” Harper-Desir said.