Opioid Town Hall meeting held in Eureka

EUREKA., CA (KIEM)- North Coast Senator Mike McGuire and Humboldt County Supervisor Virginia Bass hosted tonight’s opioid crisis town hall meeting, to report the progress made in dealing with the local epidemic since the last town hall in November.

The community-wide meeting had local leaders, addiction specialists, and health professionals take the stand to report what steps are being taken to solve the crisis and answer community questions about funding.

for Ginger Olsen, a concerned local who has more than 30 years’ experience in addiction treatment, Olsen is advocating for funding for programs she thinks are already making a difference.

Currently there is no easy answer to solving the opioid crisis, but for now a four million dollar bond will go towards affordable housing this fall, and within the year Humboldt County will receive two million dollars to fund permanent homeless housing. We’ll be sure to inform you when the next town hall meeting is announced.

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