City of Eureka plans to use new businesses to improve Broadway Corridor


EUREKA, CA. (KIEM) – The City of Eureka plans to make it easier for businesses to build along the Broadway Corridor

According to stake holders and city surveys. Blight issues are most visible along the Broadway Corridor, and throughout the Cities downtown area. A combination of abandoned buildings and open its have contributed to the unpleasant view from the road. A main part of the Eureka 2040 General Plan is to re-write regulations that businesses abide by, and streamline any new applications. Which,development service director Rob Holmlund says,will hopefully improve the area over time.

If you have comments on the Eureka 2040 general plan. Wednesday at 5:30, a special planning commissions meeting will be held at Eureka City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.

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