Toys for Tots Toy Drive kicks off in Eureka


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- Since 1991 the Marine Corps has sponsored the Toys for Tots toy drive. For many years in Eureka, former marine Charlie Collum has been collecting toys in Eureka. He was out with a smile on Black Friday, explaining why the kick-off today was important.

“I actually think Black Friday is a slower start, I mean, we get more people seeing us because we’re out here on Black Friday. So they know we’re here, its the opening day so they go out and the but stuff and they say ‘Agh, we didn’t get for the kids, so they come back the next day and drop toys off.” Collum says.

Teens from the California Conservation Corps joined Collum out front of the Target in Eureka. They waved signs and gathered everything from dominoes to teddy bears for the charity.

If you would like to donate to Toys for Tots online visit: