Local officers assist in neutralizing Mendocino County bomb threat


Mendocino County, Ca., (KIEM)- On the morning of December 18th, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a home, where a suspicious package had been reported. The device, was photographed, and images sent to Humboldt County.

Local officers were sent south to assist. Their expertise would prove invaluable, as they identified the package as a destructive device. Humboldt deputies would also neutralize the threat.

One of those officers, Brian Maus tells News Channel 3 incidents like these, involving explosives are actually growing less common.

“It’s been occurring less and less…since when I first started in 2007.” Maus says, “But since 2001 we had a huge increase and then it slowly decreased over the years. I would say on average probably 12 a year.”

Maus also says its not uncommon for Humboldt deputies to assist other counties in these incidents.