Crescent Elk Middle School students hospitalized

Crescent City, Ca., (KIEM) Students of Crescent Elk Middle School were hospitalized in Crescent City after one or more students reportedly distributed over-the-counter drugs to their peers.

The school’s principal, Paige Swan, took to Facebook this afternoon stating the following. “We are still investigating the situation, but we do know that one or more students brought an over the counter medication to school and distributed it to a number of students,” Swan wrote. “Students who took the medication were transported to the hospital by the ambulance or parent. We contacted the parents of all students who were reported to have taken the medication.”

According to reports, eight students from both 7th and 8th grade were hospitalized after paramedics staged a triage to evaluate students. School staff and emergency personnel are reportedly still investigating how the drugs got onto campus and what side effects they might cause.

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