Eureka Police Department issued Narcan Kits

Eureka, Ca. (KIEM) As of March 1, The Eureka Police Department will now have an additional item to their arsenal of life-saving equipment.

EPD officers were issued a Narcan kit. A kit that includes life-saving medication which can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.  

EPD officers often arrive first at calls where an opioid overdose occurs and now the department can provide life-saving measures until EMS arrives while also protecting themselves from potential exposure to drugs such as Fentanyl.

According to the centers for disease controls… on average 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose and locally reports show the statistics are even more concerning. 

With approval from north coast emergency medical services and the state of california…the eureka police department undergone training which corresponded with departments mandated first aid and CPR training.

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