Groundbreaking ceremony for The Center at McKinleyville


MCKINLEYVILLE, CA. (KIEM) – For many McKinleyville residents, getting the basic services can be a bit difficult. But a new complex seven years in the making is expected to make it easier for those that need those services the most. It’s called The Center at McKinleyville and a groundbreaking ceremony was held on Monday morning.

Back in 2012, the Center started as a vision to bring services to residents of McKinleyville and the Northern Humboldt.

It’s going to be located on Heartwood Drive behind Burger King. Some of the services that will be provided at the Center are: Child Welfare, WIC, Medi-Cal, and much more.

Before the groundbreaking ceremony could happen, public comments were addressed on what kinds of services the center will have. They will not provide homeless overnight housing or camping.

Construction is expected to begin soon. Residents can learn more about what’s to come at The Center at McKinleyville by attending a community meeting on Thursday, May 9 at 5:30pm at Morris Elementary School.