Eureka High School Students Take Part In Grad Walk At Former Elementary Schools


Eureka, Ca. (KIEM) — With graduation right around the corner, Eureka High School students went back to their elementary schools one last time we got the chance to talk with some of the graduating seniors as they took a walk down memory lane.

Graduating seniors walked the halls one last time at Washington Elementary School before getting their diploma and taking the next step in their lives.

“Seeing these kids at Washington, we’re all otters. We’re family,” graduating senior Cruz Montana said.

Dressed in caps and gowns, students got the chance to talk to the younger students about school and how in just a short time they would be the ones graduating…

“Even though I don’t know a lot of these kids, it was really nice because we’re all otters. We came back here for a reason. It’s really good to talk about our memories we had as a class to these little kids and give them advice,” Sadie Wilkinson said.

They also got the chance to thank their old teachers who helped them out along the way.

“It was amazing coming back here. It’s crazy to walk around the halls again, seeing my old teachers, seeing the little kids holding signs with your name on it. It was just really a heartfelt moment,” Wilkinson said.

The event is put together as just another way to celebrate the many accomplishments of the graduating students and how far they have come.

“Joining in the celebration with families and former students so they can come back and appreciate the memories they have made and the community that we have built together over their elementary, middle, and high school years,” Principal Maikken Bass said.

Many students enjoyed walking around their old campus and saw it as a perfect way to end the school year.

“Knowing that I used to be in that same position, it seems like a lifetime ago, but also just like yesterday. So coming back and being able to see the teachers and kids who are our age, in our class, seeing the playground we used to play on every day. It brought back really good memories. It’s just a great way to finish off my school career here in Eureka,” Montana said.

Soon, the graduates will be off on new adventures and the elementary students will be waiting for their future grad walk.