Sporting Youth: Team Australia


EUREKA, CA (KIEM) – Former Humboldt Crab Steve Fish is back on the North Coast with Team Australia. The baseball players want to get the experience of playing in the United States.

Baseball is America’s pastime. But over in Australia, there are not as many weekly games. So Steve Fish brings teams over to the US to play ball.

“One of my mates back home did it last year. He got in contact with me saying it’s a good trip. So I called Steve Fish and went and did it,” said Conor Liverty, a baseball player from Australia.

The players compete against a variety of seasoned teams to improve their skills.

“They’re up to another level. Back home its not the standard as what it is over here. Especially playing high schools. Hopefully, B52s are good,” said Liverty.

Fish just wants to be able to expose his team to what American baseball is all about.

“Over in Australia they play on Saturdays or they play on Sundays. Really its about acquiring a better data base for these kids. They need to have more at bats, they need to have more innings, and get a chance to know what its like to come out the next day after going 0 for 4 instead of waiting a week after a bad day,” said Steve Fish Team Manager for Team Australia.

There are not just athletes from Australia on this team. There are some players from different countries.

“In the Philippines, the fields are pretty different from this. They’re all like really bad. The players, they’re decent. The amount of games I play in the Philippines are very limited, because of the tournaments,” said Jakob Poturnak, a Baseball Player from the Philippines.

Jakob Poturnak hopes to play baseball at the colligate level in America one day. He just loves the sport.

“One of my favorite things to do is hit the baseball. I don’t know something about it is just a lot of fun. Just hitting baseballs, yeah,” said Poturnak.

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