Local Resident Makes Hand Sanitizer for First Responders and Residents

ARCATA, Ca. (KIEM)- An Arcata resident is making the difference for first responders and essential workers by helping to keep them stay clean, and she’s doing it all from the inside of her garage

With the help of her family, Saryn Kennedy has made over 40 gallons and 1200 bottles of her custom made sanitizer Drama Clean Soaps

Kennedy has been making the sanitizer since the outbreak of Covid-19 and has a work station set up in her garage. The sanitizer has numerous ingredients that include witch hazel, grape, seed oil, aloe, and 99 percent alcohol..

Kennedy has distributed sanitizer to local police departments and fire stations. At this time she she still wants to provide for first responders including the Arcata Fire District. If you would like to donate to you can visit her Facebook page.

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