Keep Eureka Beautiful plants 10 trees on Del Norte Street

EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) – Keep Eureka Beautiful volunteers were out planting trees on Saturday morning in a local neighborhood.

Committee Chair Michele McKeegan said Keep Eureka Beautiful has planted close to 1,200 trees in the community. The organization is composed of volunteers and works toward the goal of making Eureka a city of tree lined streets. The trees are planted for free in yards and for a fee in the sidewalk.

Volunteers planted ten trees from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Del Norte Street in Eureka. McKeegan said the trees make streets more pleasant for going on a walk. She said they also help slow traffic which makes neighborhoods safer and helps parents feel more comfortable when sending their children to school on foot.

McKeegan said the trees help make Eureka a more livable and healthy city. For more information, visit

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