Eureka Rotary Club donates money to the Eureka City Schools


EUREKA, Ca. (KIEM) – The Eureka Rotary Club lends a helping hand to Eureka City Schools- in the form of some money.

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At a check presentation on Friday at Zane Middle School, the Rotary Club donated nearly $4,300 dollars to go toward paying off student lunch debt in the district.

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The Eureka City Schools Superintendent, Fred Van Vleck stated that: “We don’t turn away anyone from lunch. We always make sure that they get fed, and at times it becomes difficult for families to be able to afford to pay off that lunch debt. So, a lunch debt ends up being out there in a student’s name.”

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Van Vlek said that the check from the Eureka Rotary Club paid off the entirety of last year’s student lunch debt.