Redwood Pride Hosts Its Second Pancake Agenda

Redwood Pride hosts it's second monthly Pancake Agenda fundraiser at the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Bayside.


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You may have heard of the “Gay Agenda”, but have you heard of the Pancake Agenda? Redwood Pride hosted what they call their Pancake Agenda fundraiser for the second time since COVID at the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship this Saturday.

The name is a play on the often-homophobic concept of the “Gay Agenda” and all donations raised at the events will go to the community’s local pride parade in June.

“a disparaging way to describe the advocacy of cultural acceptance and normalization of non-heterosexual sexual orientations and relationships.”

Definition for “Gay Agenda”

“Rental of spaces, rental of safety equipment like for the parade,” Æpryl Nikolai, Director of Redwood Pride, responded when asked where the funds go. “As well as for any other supplies we need on sight and preparation materials.”

The brunch began at 10am and included various vegan and non-vegan breakfast options. Entry was based on a sliding scale of 10 dollars per person excluding those 6 years-old or younger.

Redwood Pride raised over $600 dollars from last month brunch hosted at the United Congregational Christian Church.

“It was really amazing,” Eureka resident, Dorothy Gage, said. “I had a friend from San Francisco who was able to make it up here. It’s a friend I grew up with, who I knew all through high school and it’s always great to have a place where we can get together, have fun, and support local queer people.”

We asked her how the event went in her opinion.

“The event was so much fun,” she said. “It was great to see everybody of all ages here. And to get to see different generations of queer folks who were here… The food was delicious, and it was great to support Redwood Pride.”

Still with recent news of Lost Coast Pride’s own canceled fundraiser and recent growing protests at local all-ages drag show, we asked Nikolai how the organization has been discussing these growing problems.

“We’re still talking about it,” she said. “It’s possible it may end up being a private thing. That’s where some of the fundraising [might] go, to actually have a hired security on. Or, if possible, maybe even get our own crew of people that could be our own kind of dedicated security team.”

Laine Cohen, the social media manager for Redwood Pride, says that even with growing opposition from small groups within the county that the overall environment is and continues to improve for queer people within Humboldt.

This is Matthew Taylor with Redwood News.