Sequoia Humane Society Paints With Paws


Sequoia Humane Society recently announced their new fundraiser showcasing creative works of art painted by the animals themselves. Office manager Patsy Winchester crafted this idea, “I had done it years ago with my own dog, and now that he’s gone, I still have his painting, which is so special. It provides enrichment. And then also, for fund raising too.”

One of the artists that demonstrated for me today was a five year old German Shepherd named Harley. To get her supplies ready, Winchester picked out a small-sized canvas and poured acrylic paint over the surface. Pinks and Yellows were poured messily over the canvas before setting it aside to prepare the plastic bag. A single zip lock bag was pulled out from its container and laid over the table, spreading a portion of peanut butter over the front. Once a sizeable amount was on there, she carefully grabbed the canvas and placed it inside of the bag before closing it. They do this so the paint doesn’t make a mess or get on the animals.

They have been using peanut butter for dogs and catnip for cats in order to coax them into interacting with the canvas. “Dixon,” Winchester states, referring to a particularly popular shelter cat, “loves catnip. And so instead of using peanut butter, we use catnip.” The animals create their own works of art through licking the peanut butter off of the plastic or rolling in the cat nip.

These little creations are then put hung on the lobby’s wall for display. Each painting is priced at $10 and is and proceeds are considered a donation. Custom orders are also available, “You can come pick your favorite animal, pick your favorite colors, and we’ll do it right in front of you.” Winchester encourages.

This is a playful and creative way to help garner more love towards the animals housed at the shelter. Hopefully, people will feel encouraged to partake in this fun experience themselves, which also benefits the animals by securing donations to help fund their necessities.