Emergency Declared for Fleener Creek Landslide

Landslide is "clear threat to the safety of Humboldt County residents"

photo/video taken by Redwood News reporter Lauren Brenner at Fleener Creek trail-head parking lot, less than one month apart
photo/video taken by Redwood News reporter Lauren Brenner at Fleener Creek trail-head parking lot, less than one month apart

The Humboldt County Sheriff announced a local emergency because of the significant impact of the Fleener Creek – Centerville landslide.

Erosion near the Fleener Creek trailhead has moved quickly – much of the parking lot has disappeared into the ocean since January.

Nearby residents worried the slide would cut off their only access road.

The sheriff agreed – saying it’s a “clear threat” to the safety of people who live there.

And will require “immediate protective action” to secure routes of travel.

Humboldt Public Works and the Bureau of Land Management are working on securing the area.

A local emergency declaration is the first step in requesting state and federal assistance.

Previous Story: Erosion Near Fleener Creek Continues