Women building strong leaders in our community

Kathy Thornhill, left, owns RISE Advising Services and Kristina Hunt, right, is the vice president. Photo by Karina Ramos Villalobos.

RISE Advising Services is a women-owned business whose goal is to mentor clients, elevating their careers and personal lives.

Kathy Thornhill, CEO and president of RISE, explained how the business is focused on personalizing their services to each individual.

“We can individualize the services that we’re providing to each individual, either person or organization that we’re working with so that they can then thrive and be the best that they can be,” Thornhill said.

Kristina Hunt, vice president of RISE, spoke about the bottom line.

“Ultimately it’s about helping people and kind of empowering them to be their best selves,” Hunt said.

RISE stands for “Relational, Inclusive, Strategic and Elevate.”

“The acronym of RISE is really our core values and also how we approach things being very relational,” Thornhill said. “There’s a lot of opportunities for us to help develop the leadership skills of the people in our community so that they will also stay and grow and help our community thrive. So that’s why I started the company.”

Thornhill and Hunt want to help other women entrepeneurs.

“Being Women’s History Month, we have been pretty mindful of working and collaborating with other women-owned businesses this month, and that whole experience has been really empowering, being able to amplify the voices of other female business owners that are out there in the community and receiving that back as well has been really wonderful,” Hunt said.