Del Norte County residents speak out about the 4th of July incident that left a toddler in critical condition


On July 4th, 14 people were injured, including a 3 year old child, by flying debris at a private firework show in Crescent City. Authorities suspect the cause of the explosion was illegal fireworks. The culprit is still to be determined.

Residents of Del Norte county spoke passionately at a board of supervisors meeting last night. Here is what some of those concerned residents had to say.

“Look past your personal politics and look at that child and the family, hurt on our watch, on our shore,” one Del Norte County resident said. “This cannot stand. And to do nothing would be a tacit acceptance. Do not tell me there’s nothing you can do.”

“Having an actual plan for prevention coupled with enforcement is the key to deter, minimize the illegal activities that we’re all subjected to,” another resident stated.

Crescent City Fire and Rescue Chief Kevin Carey listened in on as much of the meeting as he was able to and gave Redwood News a comment on the incident.

“We do everything we can to prevent and respond properly to incidents like these,” Carey said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the boy and his family.”

For more coverage on this incident, click here.