City of Arcata hosts gun violence restraining order training


Arcata, Ca., (KIEM) Humboldt County law enforcement will undergo a 3-hour training in Arcata to enhance public safety as part of a statewide initiative starting in San Diego.

Local police, attorney’s and court personnel will meet Thursday, April 25 for a gun violence restraining order training.

The 3-hour course will explain how to apply the law and navigate through complex situations to determine whether or not a gun violence restraining order would be applicable.

The training comes from a state penal code which allows family members or law enforcement personnel to seek a gun violence restraining order against someone they believe poses an immediate and present danger of harming themselves or others.

“We’re not using this tool to overreach,” said Chief Brian Ahearn of Arcata Police Department. “We want to use it exclusively for people who are demonstrating threatening behaviors and utilizing the courts and a court order to go ahead and remove that weapon from their custody, pending a hearing, and then once a final determination is made. Then the weapon will be safeguarded.”

Chief Ahearn said it feels great that the state is taking notice to all the work being done in Humboldt County and even better that its willing to collaborate. The training is not open to the public.