Mental Health Hotline Available for Residents During Covid-19


Humboldt County, Ca. (KIEM) – The Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Health branch is still hard at work, but has seen a shift in services since the onset of Covid-19.

According to Behavioral Health Director, Emi Botzler-Rodgers, they haven’t necessarily seen an increase in people requesting services, but they’ve seen more people with feelings of anxiety and wanting someone to talk to.

In response, they started the Covid-19 community mental health hotline for people to speak with a health professional while maintaining social distancing.

DHHS has some advice for staying sane during this stressful time. The most important thing is self-care, like getting some exercise, eating right, and getting enough rest. One of the best things you can do? Stay connected with loved ones.

For those interested, the phone number for the Covid-19 community hotline is (707) 268-2999.