Local socially-distance style Halloween parade planned


ARCATA, Calif. (KIEM)-Those looking for a way to celebrate Halloween – socially distant style – may not have to look far.

A spooky plaza car parade – hosted by Arcata Mains Street and the City of Arcata is planned on October 31 and it’s free to attend.

Families are invited to dress up, decorate their cars, and drive around a spooky decorated plaza and be a part of Halloween car parade from 7 to 9 pm.

According to organizers, the parade is spectator-free, so you’ll have to stay in your vehicle to enjoy this event.

For those who opt to stay home can watch the parade via live-streaming.

Some parent’s redwood news spoke to today say, a Halloween parade is a good alternative – as long as attendees follow the county’s covid-19 protocols.

“We’ll I think that people if people are spaced and wearing masks it’s probably not a problem,” said a Eureka resident said Tuesday, and a Humboldt resident echoes the same opinion.

 “I think that it’s accessible to have like a little parade and everything like that, as long as they’re doing the right precautions and everything,” he said. “With work, we definitely have to make sure, cause I work in hospitality, so definitely have to make sure that everything is socially distance is well taken care of but I think as long as the right precautions are made, it can definitely be done, well.”

Again, there is no charge to attend. However, sponsors are welcome for more information click here.