Girl Scout may not be stationed outside of grocery stores this year but you can still get your favorite cookies


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- There’s sweet news for anyone seeking comfort food to ease the stay-at-home blues.

Girl Scout cookie season is upon us and it seems like the coronavirus pandemic isn’t going to stop our local troops from helping us stock up on thin mints, samosa and tagalongs.

Girl Scout cookie season normally starts in January and ends in April, but the 2021 cookie season officially kicked off this past Tuesday.

“So, it’s a very unique year for all of us, for many different reasons,” said Gwen Shapiro, the Product Program Manager for the Girl Scouts of Northern California. “You’re not going to see girls out in front of local grocery stores.”   

Like many others, the girl scouts are adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Girl Scout council, Girl Scouts of Northern California have developed an app, a cookie app, and also as a finder mechanism,” said Cheryl Kingham, the Redwood Service Unit Director for the Girl Scouts of Northern California.

Local Girl Scouts are also hanging flyers all across Humboldt and Del Norte Counties with QR codes to direct people to the right place to order cookies from their local scouts.

Kingham says that this cookie sale is not only important from a financial stand point, but also to make sure the girls get the most out of the programs the scouts provide.

“Just like other businesses during this time, the Girl Scouts have had to lay off employees or furlough people as well,” said Kingham. “When staff aren’t available to help us as volunteers or the girls, it’s not the best scenario. So, the cookie sale is vital.”             

If you don’t eat cookies but would still like to help out, you can order the cookies on their website.

Those cookies will go to the local food banks, the local coast guard stations and to local first responders.