Humboldt County’s Communicable Disease Supervisor talks current vaccine supply, timeline to vaccinate the entire population


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — Humboldt County is set to receive 3,975 Covid-19 vaccine doses next week. The Public Health Department will use 870 doses at its vaccination clinics. The remainder will be sent out to the 14 local providers currently authorized to administer vaccines.

“Our limiting factor in vaccination is the vaccine itself. As our supply of vaccine increases, we will increase the number of vaccines we give,” according to Communicable Disease Supervisor Hava Phillips.

Nearly 6,000 people are expected to receive invitations for their 2nd doses this month and next. First dose vaccinations are expected to slow down in the coming weeks, but both first and second doses are counted into the allotment received from the state on a weekly basis.

“It’s important that individuals attain full immunity, so we’re very much dedicated to the idea that everyone gets their second dose,” Phillips says.

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As far as a timeline for vaccinating the entire population of Humboldt County, it’s all dependent on the supply, which could change significantly over the next several months as more Covid-19 vaccines are approved.

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“I can say it will take several months at least to get through the entirety of the population in Humboldt County, but the speed at which that happens is dependent on how much vaccine we have,” Phillips says.

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Phillips adds that the County is actively working on incorporating vaccination data into the Covid-19 dashboard, similar to the testing data that’s already available.