Governor Newsom expands drought emergency, now includes Del Norte and Humboldt Counties


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — Water conditions in California are getting worse with 30% of the State’s population now under a drought emergency. Humboldt and Del Norte Counties are included in the recent expansion.

“We are extending a proclamation, a state of emergency, to 39 additional counties in the state of California. Now all in total, 41 counties are in a drought,” Governor Gavin Newsom said during a news conference Monday.

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Early warm temperatures, dryer soils, and less snow runoff have reduced the amount of water filling into major reservoirs. One of them being the Klamath River watershed.

“In the last few weeks, we’ve lost roughly 500,000 acre feet of runoff compared to what we had anticipated, which put in to language that I hope people can understand is the equivalent of 1 million households receiving water for a year,” Governor Newsom says.

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The State Water Board now directed to make modifications in order to conserve water upstream later in the year to maintain water supply. Officials also now allowed to expedite water transfers to get available water to where it’s needed most. State agencies will also continue to promote conservation through the save our water campaign. For tips on you can save water, you can visit