Emergency Simulation Held At Humboldt State Tonight to Test Students, Faculty and Community First Responders on Campus.


ARCATA, Calif. (KIEM)- Humboldt State University Housing and Residence life will hold an emergency simulation at the dorms tonight to give students, faculty and the community response teams a realistic example of how to act during an emergency. 

“I have dealt with flooding in a residence hall and had a tree fall on a campus apartment. The purpose is to prepare our students and staff so they understand their role when we have an emergency in housing,” said Yashvin Madhak, Area Coordinator at Office of Residence Life at HSU. 

The HSU Police, Arcata Fire Department and the Arcata Mad River Ambulance will also be involved. The drill is to also help first responders get to know the campus and where the students are living. 

“We’re going to see how fire sets up, how they deploy, how they communicate with police, how our staff sets up a perimeter, supports the actors, and evacuates the building. It’s important to see how quickly we can respond and get everything clear,” said Dr. Stephen Onge, Associate Vice President for Student Success at HSU.

Although HSU did not say where the simulation was going to be held, the people on campus were notified. This is because the drill is meant to be extreme and chaotic. They do not want a real emergency to come out of what is supposed to be a test.