COVID-19 vaccine rates level off in Humboldt County despite recent surge


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- These past few months have been very tough for Humboldt County because of the surge of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths all because of the delta variant.

You would think this might get more people to get a COVID-19 vaccine, but according to health officials that isn’t the case.

“We want to see that vaccination rate be higher there is no question about that,” said Humboldt County Health Director Sofia Pereira. “I will say that the days of efficiency with vaccination rollouts where you have a single site and you can get high volume, those days ended months ago.”

Even though the days of huge vaccine rollouts might me done, public health say that the best way to get those vaccination rate to climb is by continuing with their mobile vaccine clinics.

“The mobile vaccination team has been making rounds in the county for months now and so that effort hasn’t slowed down,” said Pereira. “We have access readily available with our mobile vaccination team and pharmacy’s have been providing the vaccine. So there are plenty of places for folks to get vaccinated.”

Health officials want to reiterate that the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated against the virus.