Kneeland residents not too happy about possible Cannabis Farm


KNEELAND, Calif. (KIEM)- Some Kneeland residents found notices in their mailbox about a public hearing on September 16 regarding an applicant seeking a permit for Commercial Cannabis Cultivation. That will take up 40 thousand square feet; some residents aren’t too happy about it.

“I’ve seen, and I’m born and raised in Humboldt; I’ve seen what growers do and how they operate. And you are going to deal with chemicals coming downstream, and we are going to be getting it,” said Shane Thurston, Kneeland Resident.

Ten thousand square feet of full sun outdoor cultivation and 30 thousand square feet of light deprivation cultivation are planned. As for water, the plan is a  rain catchment, on-site water, and a supplemental water source.

“And I probably wouldn’t have purchased the house that I purchased had I known this was going on. I would have walked away,” said Mallory Finley, Kneeland Resident.

Resident Cheryl Furman started a petition, and as of today, more than 200 people have signed, hoping to achieve 500 signatures.

“I don’t have a personal objection to people that smoke marijuana. However, the smell of it in my backyard, which is what this will be, is my worst nightmare. After losing all of my water,” said Earl Booties, Kneeland Residents. 

The Humboldt County Zoning administrations will be receiving public comments before the meeting. The deadline is set for September 15th.