Humboldt Heroes recognizes local veteran Skylar Moser

EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- A local army veteran has been recognized as this month’s Humboldt hero.

Skylar Moser was honored during a noon-time ceremony today by local community members.

Moser — who was born and raised in Humboldt county – served in Iraq for 15 months in Iraq.

During that time, he was injured… but after recovering Moser re-enlisted and served 13 months in Afghanistan.

“Kind of undeserving compared to other people, I think. But there’s a lot of other people that are, like I said, just as if not more deserving than I am. But it feels good. And it’s it’s really nice that a community can kind of come together and do this and, you know, honor the veterans and let people know that, you know, what we did was not forgotten about,” said Skylar Monser, Humboldt hero.

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