The Bayside Holiday Market Opens Up This Friday


The holiday season is officially here and businesses in the Humboldt area are coming together to set up holiday markets all around the county; giving shoppers a chance to buy locally made gifts.

Local craft business owner, Amy Whitlatch, of Amy’s Almost Perfect will be hosting a holiday market at the Bayside Community Hall which will open on Nov. 25.  

“We’re doing our third annual market. It started out as a way for small crafters in 2020 to have an outlet for their craft shows and meet all the health guidelines,” Whitlatch said. “Now it’s become a much fun market where everyone sets up, so it looks very familiar.”

The holiday market will feature at least 30 local artists residing in the Humboldt area, with some items even being sold regularly at local grocery stores.

“We have a little bit of everything for someone,” Whitlatch said. “Everyone is local, everyone has to make their product themselves, and this year we’re featuring several new artists.”

The market is open until Dec. 11, giving the community fun and unique options for holiday gifts.

“It is a perfect way to get gifts for friends,” Whitlatch said. “You can make this year a one stop shop I certainly do, and then of course, you can always get gifts for yourself as well.”

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