The Eureka Rescue Mission Serves their Annual Thanksgiving Meal: “I’m really thankful for my life, and I’m thankful for this place”


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) – The Eureka Rescue Mission had its annual Thanksgiving meal this afternoon. They welcomed the community to sit down and eat some warm food the day before the holiday.

“We’re anticipating serving between 200 to 300 people and a full course meal… mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey and vegetables and all that good stuff,” said Brian Hall, the Executive Director of the Rescue Mission. 

Most of the food served this afternoon was donated by community organizations and businesses. 

“We have constant donations coming in, “said Brian. “Eureka, Rotary… they brought us 101 turkeys. Pacific Towing brought us turkeys. Costco has given us turkeys. We couldn’t do what we do without help, and it’s just a real blessing.”

Gratitude was in the air, as people sat down to eat their homemade meals. 

“I’m really thankful for my life, and I’m thankful for this place and I’m thankful for my dog. I’m thankful for my family even though I don’t get to see them like that. I have a lot to be thankful and grateful for,” said Justin Gammill.

“I’m grateful for all my brothers here and I’m grateful for the food and I’m grateful for life in general,” said Jordan Woodruff, a current resident at the mission.

Rebecca Osborn told us that she had been struggling with homelessness. She and her child have been very appreciative of the resources that the shelter provides. 

“I’m grateful for this place and you know the love that they show and not just with clothing, the food. And you know the church service. And I’m just thankful for them today.”

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