Redwood Newsmakers: Bikes by the Bay


Robert Slater and Jake Dickson from United Bikers of Northern California are told us all about “Bikes by the Bay.” 

“United Bikers of Northern California, has been around for over 40 years, and it involves all genres of motorcycles,” Slater said. “We are just a major fundraising group that tries to help anybody in the community […] It’s all about getting riders together and all about the charity.”

Jake Dickson went on to explain the charities that the United Bikers of Northern California donate to. 

“We have three charities we specifically donate to,” Dickson said. “We donate to the Women’s Shelter down at the Eureka Mission, and then we donate to the Backpacks for Kids program and the Senior Home Delivered Meals program through Food for People.”

“Bikes by the Bay” has been going on since 1999, and this year they have something special planned. 

“Well, this year we’re going to have a motorcycle show,” said Slater. “We’re going to have motorcycle games, we’re going to have music, two different bands, and we’re going to have over 40 vendors that are non-food and a few food vendors to take care of the crowds while they’re there.”