17 New Lightning-Caused Fires in Six Rivers National Forest



SIX RIVERS NATIONAL FOREST – Fire managers are figuring out how to fight over a dozen new lightning ignited wildfires that started yesterday in the Six Rivers National Forest.

At least 17 fires have been confirmed in the Gasquet, Mad River, and Orleans ranger district. The fires range from 0.1-60 acres. The majority of the new activity is located in the Mad River Ranger District where 12 news fires have been detected, the largest of those being three acres. At least two new fires have been reported in the Orleans Ranger District burning west of the Klamath River. And one new fire in the Siskiyou Wilderness, in the Gasquet Ranger District, which was last measured at 60 acres and on very steep terrain.

The US Forest Service says the chance of a thunderstorm will diminish throughout the week and fire managers are currently gathering information and prioritizing initial attacks on the new starts.