Smoke Level Warnings Increase To ‘Very Unhealthy’ In Some Areas


smoke-level-warnings-increase-‘very-unhealthy’-some-areasKLAMATH RIVER DRAINAGE – Due to the smoke from a growing number of wildfires, the North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District is alerting communities of ‘Unhealthy’ to ‘Very Unhealthy’ level air quality conditions.

Areas within the Klamath River drainage – including Orleans, Sawyers Bar, Weitchpec, Hoopa and Willow Creek are currently experiencing ‘Very Unhealthy’ conditions, and areas surrounding Weaverville are at an ‘Unhealthy’ level.

This forecast means smoke is creating a health hazard that could be problematic for those with health conditions.

These harsh conditions will continue throughout the evening, and hopefully by Wednesday will improve for areas south of the fires and along the coast when wind direction changes.

In the meantime, if you live in any of these areas you should restrict outdoor activities.

If you start to experience difficulty breathing, excessive coughing, unusual fatigue or lightheadedness, you will want to contact your health care provider.